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Irene Gill

Irene Gill, 99, was ush­ered into the pres­ence of her Lord and Sav­ior by the an­gelic tail­winds heard ac­com­pa­ny­ing her last breath on De­cem­ber 1, 2023. She passed away peace­fully at her dear sis­ter Bev­erly’s home, while being lov­ingly cared for by her fam­ily who will miss her deeply.
Irene was born on Au­gust 14, 1924, in Cole­man, to Molly (Kov­nesky) and Got­tlieb Lentz. She grew up on a dairy farm in Pound with five sib­lings. Her ed­u­ca­tion was put on hold after the com­ple­tion of her eighth grade, be­cause she was needed to work full time on the fam­ily farm dur­ing the 1930s de­pres­sion. Later she at­tended North Cen­tral Bible Col­lege in Min­neapo­lis.
Dur­ing WWII, she worked at var­i­ous fac­to­ries in Mil­wau­kee to sup­port the war ef­forts. At the time, her dream job was to work in an of­fice, where she could wear a dress and heels! De­ter­mined, she ob­tained fur­ther ed­u­ca­tion and landed an of­fice job at Allen-Bradley in Mil­wau­kee, where she worked for over 10 years.
She was united in mar­riage to War­ren Gill on June 6, 1964, at Bethel Taber­na­cle (now called Poplar Creek) in Mil­wau­kee and moved to Hori­con, where she and War­ren raised their fam­ily.
Re­served, calm, steady and res­olute, Irene was a de­ter­mined in­di­vid­ual that was also won­der­fully spunky. Known for her cam­ou­flaged pants and grandma ver­sioned crocs, she was on-the-go well into her 90s, when Parkin­sons tried to slow her down. But for Irene, where there is a will, there is a way, and she would def­i­nitely find a way.
Irene was a hos­pitable and giv­ing per­son. She loved her fam­ily, friends, and neigh­bors deeply, reach­ing out in love, whether it be spend­ing time with peo­ple or drop­ping off her sig­na­ture warm ba­nana bread or home­made chicken soup. She over­came many dis­ap­point­ments and hard­ships in her life with the help of God by her side, lead­ing her and help­ing her through. She had a heart for chil­dren by doing what she could to sup­port chil­dren in need.
Irene’s life was for­ever changed by the free gift of eter­nal life given by Jesus Christ, her Lord and Sav­ior. A gift she wanted all who came in con­tact with her to know about. John 3:16, 2 Corinthi­ans 5:17
Sur­vivors in­clude two sis­ters, Bev­erly We­ich­brodt of Hori­con and Nancy Gret­zon of Green Bay; two daugh­ters, Cindy (Todd) Turzin­ski of Wausau and Karen (Bryce) In­galls of Wood­bury MN; two grand­chil­dren, Tyler Turzin­ski and Jade In­galls; nephews and nieces, Linda (Kelly Brown) of Wood­bury, MN, Dale (Kendra) We­ich­brodt of Wood­bury, MN, Diane (Michael) Max­son of Green­dale, Gary Gill of Beaver Dam, Johnny Gill of Ari­zona; great-nephews and great-nieces, Ethan Max­son, Clau­dia Max­son, Brooke We­ich­brodt, Noah Brown, Blake We­ich­brodt; and many other rel­a­tives and friends.
Irene was pre­ceded in death by her par­ents, Molly (Kov­nesky) and Got­tlieb Lentz; hus­band, War­ren Gill; five sib­lings, Oscar Lentz, Art Lentz, Eve­lyn Mar­i­ano and two sib­lings who died at birth.
A fu­neral ser­vice for Irene will take place on Sat­ur­day, Dec. 9, at 11 a.m. at Chris­t­ian Life Fel­low­ship in Mayville with Rev. Roy McK­ain of­fi­ci­at­ing. Vis­i­ta­tion for Irene will take place on Sat­ur­day, Dec. 9, from 9:30 a.m. until the time of ser­vice at 11 a.m. at Chris­t­ian Life Fel­low­ship. In­ter­ment to fol­low the ser­vice at Oak Hill Ceme­tery in Hori­con.
The fam­ily is very grate­ful for the won­der­ful sup­port of the Beaver Dam Hos­pice team. In par­tic­u­lar Ally, Gin, Va­lerie, Moria, Patti, Annie, Kim and Den­nis.
Thank you to the church fam­ily at Chris­t­ian Life Fel­low­ship. A place where Irene and War­ren es­tab­lished life­long friends back in the 70s and just did life to­gether.
In lieu of flow­ers, memo­ri­als may be di­rected to Samar­i­tans Purse: Is­rael Re­sponse do­na­tion item for Samar­i­tan’s Purse (samar­i­
Koepsell Fu­neral Home in Mayville is car­ing for the fam­ily. www.​Koepsellfh.​com
